Call for Participation

We invite authors to submit a short reflection, preferably on their own previous or current work in AI, that considers a wide scope of potential impacts of this work, including on direct and indirect beneficiaries, as projected into the future. Authors should make clear which aspects of our broader ecology are included in their reflection, for example, the impact of AI technology on organisms, populations, communities, ecosystems and the biosphere (good and bad, and everything in between).

The purpose of this statement is to help spark discussion and explore the questions that may assist AI researchers to broaden their view on potential impacts of their work.

Submissions can be of any length (to a maximum of 4 pages), and topics to be addressed include but are not limited to:

  • Technological determinism and the inevitability of AI
  • The wider-scope and longer term impacts of AI not just for humans but for other parts of our ecosystem, such as—but not limited to, the impact of AI on:
    • Non-normative bodies and identities
    • Oppressed and/or underserved populations
    • Communication and interaction between groups
    • The development of communities and infrastructures
    • The balance of ecosystems and resources
    • The climate, the planet context
  • The political economy of AI and its long-term impact on human beneficiaries
  • The entanglements between AI and racial industrialised capitalism

Submit your Paper

Submission Instructions

Researchers, practitioners, or policy makers in academia or industry who have an interest in these areas are invited to submit papers up to 4 pages (not including references) in the IOS format.

Submissions are single-blind reviewed; i.e., submissions must include the author's names and affiliation. The workshop's organizing and program committees will review the submissions and accepted papers will be presented at the workshop. We ask that at least one of the authors of each accepted position paper attends the workshop. Presenting authors must register for the workshop and at least one full day of the conference.

Since this workshop will be held in person and virtually (hybrid) which reduces visa or travel-related burdens, we aim to have global and diverse participation. With an effort towards equitable conversations, we welcome participation from under-represented perspectives and communities in AI (e.g., lessons from the Global South, civil liberties and human rights perspectives, etc.)

If there is sufficient interest, we can archive (with an opt-out option) all HHAI 2023 workshop contributions, and summaries of workshops and tutorials as a combined CEUR Workshop Proceeding.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline

30 April 2023

Acceptance Notifications

14 May 2023

Workshop Dates

26-27 June 2023 (Hybrid)

Contact: retno.larasati[at]