Maribel Acosta
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Maribel Acosta is a PhD student at the Institute AIFB in the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). She holds a M.Sc. from Universidad Simón Bolívar (Caracas, Venezuela) with specializations in Databases and Semantic Web technologies. She is currently focused on researching the enhancement of Semantic Web technologies with human-based computation, particularly applied to SPARQL query execution. Her research interests also include adaptive techniques for Linked Data management and federated query processing. Maribel has been involved in organizing and presenting several tutorials at the Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), focused on semantic data management as well as crowdsourcing systems.
Marko Grobelnik
Jozef Stefan Institute
Marko Grobelnik expertise is the areas of "data science" including Machine Learning, Data/Text Mining, Network Analysis, Semantic Technologies, and Data Visualization. He works at "Jozef Stefan Institute", the national research institute for natural sciences in Slovenia co-managing a group of approx. 30 researchers. Marko co-authored several books, co-founded five start-ups, is W3C AC representative and member of the boards for ELRA and STI. Currently he coordinates FP7 project X-LIKE on large scale formal knowledge extraction from text.
Aidan Hogan
Aidan Hogan is a post-doctoral researcher at the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), National University of Ireland, Galway. His research interests focus on consuming Linked Data, where he has published various contributions on crawling, ranking, indexing, reasoning and querying over large crawls of RDF Web data, as well as related issues concerning data quality. He received his PhD from DERI in 2011; his thesis presented various use-cases for reasoning over Linked Data, analyses of the use of RDFS and OWL on the Web, as well as scalable, distributed and robust algorithms for reasoning over heterogeneous Linked Data corpora. Aidan is one of the main contributors to the Semantic Web Search Engine (SWSE) project, and is one of the co-founders of the Pedantic Web group which gently encourages Linked Data publishers to fix their exporters (where necessary).
Jarred McGinnis
King's College London
Dr. Jarred McGinnis is an independent consultant in Semantic Technologies. Dr. McGinnis received a PhD in Informatics from the University of Edinburgh in 2006. After working as a research associate for several years, he joined the Press Association, as the Head of Research, Semantic Technologies, investigating the role of technologies such as text-mining, description logics and Linked Data in the news industry. Dr. McGinnis is also a visiting Research Fellow at King's College London.
Barry Norton
Ontotext AD
Dr. Barry Norton is a Development Manager at the British Museum, responsible for the architecture and project management of ResearchSpace, a Linked Data platform for the arts and cultural heritage domain. Previously, as Solutions Architect for Ontotext, he provided consultancy on this and many other large-scale Linked Data and text analytics solutions, and training on semantic technologies for the cultural heritage, media and finance domains. He holds a PhD from the University of Sheffield. He worked on semantics-based national and European-funded research projects there and at the Open University, the University of Innsbruck, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and Queen Mary University of London. He is the author of over fifty peer-reviewed publications in the area, including three book chapters.
Elena Simperl
University of Southampton
Dr. Elena Simperl work as a senior lecturer at the Web and Internet Science (WAIS) group at the University of Southampton. Her research interests include knowledge engineering, Social Web technologies, and crowdsourcing. She has contributed and lead over 15 national and European research projects and authored more than 75 scientific publications, and chaired the European Semantic Web Conference in 2011 and 2012. Elena initiated several activities targeted at the supervision and guidance of doctoral students and young researchers such as the PhD Network Berlin Brandenburg, and the Knowledge Web PhD Symposium series organized at the European Semantic Web Conference ESWC since 2006. Further educational activities include the lecture of Master and Bachelor courses at the Free University of Berlin, University of Innsbruck, and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, the founding and organization of the ESWC summer school; the Asian Semantic Web School; the IEEE Summer School on Semantic Computing; and the Semantic Web Services Winter Retreat; as well as the management of the education service within Semantic Technologies Institute International (STI), an association bringing together major players in the fields of semantic technologies, and co-founder of semsphere GmbH, a professional training company in the same area.